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Spanish Legal Assistance
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#835 din 835 de Companii din Telecomunicatii
Membru Gratuit din 2012
  • Parerea ta conteaza!
    Fii primul care lasa o parere. Ne va ajuta sa promovam pe Bizoo doar firme cu produse si servicii de calitate.
Scrie o parere
Spanish Legal Assistance Spanish Legal Assistance +34952776159 Ed. King Edward NÂ 22, C/Ramon Gomez de la Serna Of 102, Bucuresti, Bucuresti
Produse si servicii

app developer for android and ios

Tipul companiei

Prestator servicii

Piata de desfacere

Europa de Vest

Nr. angajati


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2012!
Yaboo was founded by a group which develops systems and services for customers all over the world. We have been developing solutions for the VoIP market as well as related services that are already available for customers.

We have one of the most advanced systems available on the market today and we have already built the foundation to support many of today's services in the market.

We have also developed some products that will be revolutionary in the future as soon as the infrastructure of the IT sector allows us to use these services..

The market for our services is in tremendous growth. Analysts forcast that our business market will grow rapidly in the next 5-7 years.

Above all we cherish a high customer delight and quality satisfaction, which can only be achieved with a highly focused, motivated and competent team. We consider these to be the key factors in maintaining ourselves as big players on the market.
Din Gura in Gura